The lunch calendar menu reader for West Hartford Public Schools.
What is MenuBuddy?
MenuBuddy is an Amazon Alexa skill which stores the lunch calendar for the West Hartford Public Elementary schools. Using simple vocal commands, MenuBuddy can read the lunch selection for a chosen date, or for the entire week!
How to Install MenuBuddy
First, go to the Alexa app on your phone and tap the icon for ‘skills’, located on the left navigation panel. Use the search function to search for MenuBuddy. Finally, tap the ‘Enable Skill’ button, and your Echo will have a new skill!
How to use MenuBuddy to read the menu:
To use MenuBuddy on your Alexa devices, follow these simple instructions: Activate your device by saying “Alexa”, then “Ask MenuBuddy what’s for lunch tomorrow”. Alexa will respond with the menu items for the next day’s lunch. You can also ask Alexa for the lunch menu on any given date, as long as the menu has been published by WHPS.